BabyLOG is an interactive log enabling all pregnant women and new mothers to keep track of everyday routines and how they and their babies change. Beside recording your own data, you can compare them with the results of others and with the recommendations of World Health Organization. You can also get weekly tips on baby care and on your own well-being.
BabyLOG adalah log interaktif yang memungkinkan semua wanita hamil dan ibu baru untuk melacak rutinitas sehari-hari dan bagaimana mereka dan perubahan bayi mereka. Selain merekam data Anda sendiri, Anda dapat membandingkan mereka dengan hasil orang lain dan dengan rekomendasi dari Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia. Anda juga bisa mendapatkan tips mingguan tentang perawatan bayi dan Anda sendiri kesejahteraan.
BabyLOG is an interactive log enabling all pregnant women and new mothers to keep track of everyday routines and how they and their babies change. Beside recording your own data, you can compare them with the results of others and with the recommendations of World Health Organization. You can also get weekly tips on baby care and on your own well-being.